Monday, May 29, 2023

Welcome to my first blog. This edition; Duck Soup is the Opiate of the Masses

Duck Soup is the Opiate of the Masses

Hello friends, colleagues and complete strangers.

 This is my very first blog, and is also the location where you will find concurrent editions. If you are a book lover of all stripes you are welcome here. Bonus points if you have a sense of humor, an appreciation of the absurd, and/or a built-in sublimity detector.

I will talk about music as I’ve done a bit of that over the years. And reading, I’ve done some of that as well. I may on occasion mention my dog, but just his outward appearance, as we all know it is too dark to read inside of a dog (thank Groucho for that one). And speaking of Marx, boredom books & boredom books THUS won’t be shying away from such topics as socialism (or capitalism), communism, critical theory or drag queen readings.  But then again I may talk about my dog. His name is Blueberry.  Best dog ever. 

He doesn’t know any languages other than English (typical American), and to tell you the truth he doesn’t really know that many English words (we speak mostly in clicks ‘n scents).  He isn’t well read in phenomenology, logic, aesthetics, but is pretty darn ethical. He’s a really good sharer so I think he’s fundamentally socialist, but maybe not card-carrying.

And since it seems we’re back on a Marx jag I’ll share this with you.

No, it’s not an audiobook, so we don’t actually know if he spoke, but we should take him at his word and assume he transcribed it.  It is about New York so maybe he shouted it?

New York? I have been there a total of one time, circa 1989. Fucking loved it! Each block had a distinctive yellowish smell (Blueberry would a’ loved it).  The band I was in (The Hell Cows) played the Pyramid club on July Fourth.  I remember just how loud it was with M-80s going off every few seconds, so dangerously close.  The Hell’s Angels took over a block every year, or so the locals told me, and lawlessness rang out like Thor’s hammer…krakathoom! Fuck ‘n A!

Maybe I’ll tell you the rest of that story on the next installment of boredom books THUS. It involves fuck ups, ugly guys in inappropriate drag, drags queens doing makeup for others, and apparently a member of Sonic Youth.  

For now why don’t you take a peep at my offerings at For music books you’ll find my favorites; Sun Ra, Art Ensemble of Chicago, No Wave NewYork, jazz, Townes Van Zandt, Harry Smith, Captain Beefheart, Smegma, creative improvisation, Varese…. All bread and butter faves.

But also…don’t forget the books for your brain.  I carry seminal authors such as Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Bachelard and Husserl. And sexy titles such as Eros & Irony, The Semiotics of Music, Assassination Rhapsody, and Playboys & Killjoys.  Oh my!

Now to take another hit off my fowl consommé.

David Morgan 

AKA-S. Cosmano

Free, until we die so soon

Why for the terrible and loathsome burden of  freedom        Gummed movements in amber    are rubbed upon a thick blue erection  Stand...